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Similar Threads for: Poker IQ test Texas Hold'em Poker: Thread: Replies: Last Post: Forum: How can I test that I am really ready to go pro? 14: December 9th, 2019 11:10 AM: Learning Poker. Similar Threads for: Poker IQ test Texas Hold'em Poker: Thread: Replies: Last Post: Forum: How can I test that I am really ready to go pro? 14: December 9th, 2019 11:10 AM: Learning Poker.

IQ Testing in Competency Evaluations

in Forensic Evaluations

One question recently raised in forensic psychology circles has to do with whether one should conduct IQ or intellectual testing during competency to stand trial (CST) evaluations. This has been a debatable practice, especially in situations where the defendant has previously undergone testing. In these cases, is repeat testing or the administration of a different IQ measure warranted?

Leading forensic psychologist and researcher/author Tom Grisso (2014) has long suggested that intelligence testing may be rarely needed, since the primary focus in CST evaluations is on the functional abilities or disabilities of the defendant. Whether the defendant has, or does not have, a particular mental disorder is largely immaterial to the legal question at hand. The real question is simply whether he or she have a factual and rational understanding of the proceedings and can adequately assist counsel.

While routine IQ testing in these cases may not be indicated, there are situations where testing may be beneficial. The arguments for and against testing can perhaps be summarized as the following:

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  1. If a defendant has deficits in understanding, testing may be helpful in understanding the etiology and/or extent of the cognitive disabilities (e.g., attention and focus).
  2. In high profile or capital cases, being thorough is particularly important. Forensic experts may choose to “cross every t” and “dot every i” by administering IQ and other measures to minimize critique.
  3. Testing can aid in the assessment of overall response style (e.g., poor effort).
  4. How a defendant performs across time and test administrations can provide valuable information.


  1. Testing may be unnecessary and a waste of financial resources.
  2. In cases of screening for CST, such as in jails or court clinics, IQ testing may be a poor use of the limited time available.
  3. Testing could produce unnecessary stress on the defendant.
  4. Repeat testing may produce practice effects that obscure results.

Whether one decides to administer an IQ test, or any psychological measure, should be carefully considered and intentional. Administering intelligence testing routinely or in every case is probably not wise. While a forensic examiner can be criticized for either administering or not administering a test, having a clear understanding and cogent arguments for your decision will serve you well in the courtroom.

For those not familiar with available IQ tests on the market, here is a non-exhaustive list of the most commonly used adult measures and the time it takes to administer them:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition: 60-90 minutes

Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence: 30 minutes

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale-5th Edition: 45-60 minutes

Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Skills: 60-70 minutes

Kaufman Adult Intelligence Test: 60-90 minutes

Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition: 20 minutes

Test of Nonverbal Intelligence-Fourth Edition: 15-20 minutes

Wide Range Intelligence Test: 30 minutes

Shipley-2: 20-25minutes

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Raven Standard Progressive Matrices: 45 minutes

Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test: 10-15 minutes

Leiter R IQ Test: 25-40 minutes

Beta III: 30 minutes

While the more comprehensive and reliable intelligence tests generally take more time to administer, some of the brief screening measures may be the right balance an evaluator is trying to strike between having limited time and desiring to obtain an objective measure of intelligence. At least this may be the true in routine cases or situations. However, where there is genuine concern about an intellectual disability and where no prior test results are available, using a more comprehensive IQ test may be warranted.


Grisso, T. (2014). Competency to stand trial evaluations-Just the basics. Professional Resource Press. doi: 978-1568872032

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When talking about intellect and abilities of the mind, the IQ test is a measurement that tends to be brought into the conversation. As one of many controversial topics in the world, the IQ test is something that people are very divided on, seeing as it is viewed as a way of defining the intelligence levels of people based on one test.

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Grisso, T. (2014). Competency to stand trial evaluations-Just the basics. Professional Resource Press. doi: 978-1568872032

Biker roulette teespring. < 95

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> 99

> 100

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> 105

When talking about intellect and abilities of the mind, the IQ test is a measurement that tends to be brought into the conversation. As one of many controversial topics in the world, the IQ test is something that people are very divided on, seeing as it is viewed as a way of defining the intelligence levels of people based on one test.

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The argument against the IQ test is that one test cannot accurately predict the intellect of every single person who takes it because people are so different. The thought behind opponents of the IQ test is that there is far too much variety amongst people across the globe, and comparing everyone against the of one test is too simplistic to fully capture people's individual intellect levels.

On the other side of the controversial topic, many people do believe that the IQ test accurately and appropriately detects people's intelligence levels across the board. So what in the world is an IQ and how do each of the states in the USA compare, based on the average IQ of their citizens? Let's find out!

The Definition of an Intelligence Quotient

Intelligence quotients are a measurement in psychological parameters that defines a person's intellect based on their mental age and their actual age. From there, the value that is found after dividing the person's mental age by the person's actual age since birth needs to be multiplied by a value of one hundred.

You may be wondering how the IQ scores were calculated. How could anyone possibly collect the IQ score of every resident in each of the fifty states and then take the average of each population's total value? That might not be impossible, but it would certainly be time-consuming. So, instead of trying to be precise and inclusive of every age group in a state, researchers actually took a look at the average IQ test scores of anyone in the state who had previously sat through an IQ test in 2015.

There are online sources that provide interactive IQ test for people to take just for the sake of testing their own IQ scores. Many people take IQ tests when they are considering to apply for Mensa, which is a community of people who fall into the ninety-eighth percentile of intelligence scores on formal, administered intelligence tests. Mensa is a community of people who all share an IQ score that is greater than ninety-eight percent of IQ scores around the world.

Texas Holdem Poker Iq Test Results

But when it came to the study conducted by the Washington Post, the researchers also took SAT scores, ACT scores, and the estimated number of people who graduated college in each state into consideration. The SAT Is an exam that high school students sit for prior to applying to higher education, as is the ACT. If you have not yet noticed, all of the variables that researchers paid attention to when determining the average IQ of a state had a lot to do with a certain level of education. This is due to the fact that people who are educated tend to score higher on IQ tests than people who never received an education or who stopped attending classes before reaching college.

States in Order of Average IQ Scores

The highest-ranking state in terms of average IQ is Massachusetts, with an average IQ score of 104.3 and a population of just under seven million people. The state with the lowest IQ score turns out to be Mississippi, with the IQ score of residents coming to about 94.2 on average. There is a difference of 10.1 IQ points between Mississippi and Massachusetts, which is not as drastic of a discrepancy as you might predict there’d be among fifty states.

Texas Holdem Poker Iq Test Scoring

From the state with the highest intelligence quotient on average to the US state with the lowest IQ score across the board, here is a list of the fifty states in America in order of average IQ scores..

To be completely fair and transparent, the intelligence quotient is not the most accurate way of determining someone's intelligence. After all, it is nearly impossible to fully calculate someone's intellect because it is not a variable that is numerically represented. Instead, IQ scores are a way of trying to put a number on someone's intelligence. That disclaimer aside, let's take a look at the values that have been calculated for the average IQ scores of each of the fifty states in America.

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Here are the 10 states with the highest average IQ:

  1. Massachusetts (104.3)
  2. New Hampshire (104.2)
  3. North Dakota (103.8)
  4. Vermont (103.8)
  5. Minnesota (103.7)
  6. Maine (103.4)
  7. Montana (103.4)
  8. Iowa (103.2)
  9. Connecticut (103.1)
  10. Wisconsin (102.9)

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